Project Introduction
Social survey related Project

Through the following projects, we support the social survey research of researchers at universities and other similar organizations.
Preparation and Publication of Various Types of Social Data
Large Scale Academic Surveys Undertaken by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM)
- The Japanese National Character Survey (see here for details)
We aim to prepare continuous social survey time-series data for the nationwide survey conducted once every five years by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) since 1953 and contribute to the microdata collection for collaboration.
- Cross-National Comparative Survey on National Character (see here for details)
The Cross-National Comparative Survey, started in 1971, conducts a comparative survey of people of Japanese nationality or ethnicity living outside Japan to better understand the national character of the Japanese people.
Various Surveys Conducted in Collaboration With Other Organizations
- Stratification and Social Psychology Survey (joint survey with Osaka University, see here for details)
- Tsuruoka Survey on Language Standardization, The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), data publication support (see here for details)
Social Survey Historical Document Archive (see here for details)
In relation to the various social surveys conducted in the form of joint research and in addition to publishing micro-data, the Center for Social Data Structuring (CSDS) and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) provide users with various information (survey ancillary information) that contributes to detailed analysis and discussion of survey results in the form of publication or joint use. This is intended to be used as a reference for historical research on social surveys and for future social survey design.
Social Survey Data Tabulation System (provisional release)
Formation of a Nationwide Shared Survey Network and Implementation of Joint Surveys
We conduct support activities from joint survey design to implementation and data analysis in collaboration with researchers from universities, etc.
Research and Dissemination of Issues Related to “Compliance” When Undertaking Social Surveys (see here for details)
Research and dissemination activities for issues related to compliance include all processes from the planning and implementation of social surveys to data acquisition and publication. These issues are not limited to social surveys.