Q.26 Some people say that if we get outstanding political leaders, the best way to improve the country is for the people to leave everything to them, rather than for the people to discuss things among themselves. Do you agree with this, or disagree?

1 Agree
2 Disagree
3 Undecided/it depends
8 Other (Specify): _______________________________
9 DK
1 2 3 8 9 total% n
total 12.6% 82.1% 4.6% - 0.7% 100.0% 700
gender Male 13.9% 80.1% 5.0% - 0.9% 100.0% 337
Female 11.3% 84.0% 4.1% - 0.6% 100.0% 363
age 18-19yrs 13.8% 72.4% 6.9% - 6.9% 100.0% 29
20-24yrs 9.1% 81.8% 6.1% - 3.0% 100.0% 66
25-29yrs 19.7% 73.8% 6.6% - - 100.0% 61
30-34yrs 15.3% 76.3% 8.5% - - 100.0% 59
35-39yrs 8.0% 82.7% 9.3% - - 100.0% 75
40-44yrs 13.6% 86.4% - - - 100.0% 81
45-49yrs 14.7% 82.4% 2.9% - - 100.0% 68
50-54yrs 9.3% 87.0% 3.7% - - 100.0% 54
55-59yrs 11.3% 83.9% 4.8% - - 100.0% 62
60-64yrs 9.6% 86.3% 2.7% - 1.4% 100.0% 73
65-70yrs 15.3% 83.3% 1.4% - - 100.0% 72
suburb NSW 8.7% 86.0% 4.3% - 1.0% 100.0% 300
QLD 10.6% 85.3% 3.5% - 0.6% 100.0% 170
VIC 19.1% 74.8% 5.7% - 0.4% 100.0% 230